Wednesday, March 21, 2012

10 Months Old

March 12, 2012
This sweet boy is 10 Months Old!
He is so fun and VERY active!
He is in the 25% for weight and 85% for his height!
He has 6 teeth! 4 on top and 2 on the bottom
We are officially finished nursing and the transition to the bottle took about a week!
The only formula he likes is Earth's Best Organic Formula.
(thankfully I can buy it cheap on Amazon Moms)
Miles loves to say Daddy and Doggy!
He loves reading books
He loves his cozy blankets
He is starting to be brave and walk with his little turtle walker.
He's my little buddy. He goes everywhere with me and is a good sport!
I love this little guy! I can't believe how fast time is going by! I seriously feel like I just had him. 

Big Smile

Cruising to his favorite spot in the house!

Active and Curious

Exhausted from a very busy day! Can't help but laugh at this picture! Feet propped up!

Sweet little bug!

9 Months Old

This little prince of mine just couldn't be any cuter. So in love with this boy!

8 Months Old!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Can you believe how far we have come! He is the cutest baby and is so big! 

Friday, January 20, 2012

7 Months Old

6 Months Old

November was a big month for us. We moved from our first beautiful little home in Park City to Matt's parents home in SLC. Talk about huge changes! Miles is getting very smart and is now eating solids everyday. He loves eating rice cereal and bananas! We also spent Thanksgiving at our new cabin in Bear Lake! That was so fun!

5 Months Old

October went by really fast! Miles is getting so big!
He was a chicken for Halloween and spent it in Oregon with Matt's family.